publication: 68 Results found.

How much reading is enough?

I am often asked how much reading is enough? In this post I outline what you should consider in order to decide when it is enough.

What is fibromyalgia?

This is a brief introduction to fibromyalgia, an invisible illness causing pain and cognitive dysfunctions.

Professional development portfolios

Many teacher training sessions and professional development courses nowadays link to or culminate in the compilation of portfolios. Portfolios are evidences and resources that are gathered and annotated systematically to provide an overview of the...

Assessment as a learning opportunity

Many teacher training sessions focus on assessment but we do not spend enough time on discussing assessment in the sense of marking student work. We do not discuss the impact marking has on the students' learning and the teachers' workload, nor do we talk...

Time management

A cyclical process of reading, writing and editing is only possible if you leave enough time. Time management is therefore one of the key skills to learn when entering University life. The easiest way to introduce effective time management is by preparing...

How to make writing more academic

In tutorials students often tell me that they are not confident regarding their writing skills and they ask me how to make writing more academic. Every University, every faculty and even departments will have their own philosophy relating to writing, so...

Types of plagiarism

Irrespective of the types of plagiarism, ultimately plagiarism is a punishable offence. Therefore, it is a good idea to get fully acquainted with the different types of plagiarism in order to be able to effectively avoid difficult situations. You are best...

How to create a research poster

Nowadays more and more emphasis is placed upon the impact of research. In many cases research students are even required to create a research poster as part of their thesis and enquiry submissions. However, how do you create a research poster?

Action research or case study?

When planning for a practice-based enquiry or small-scale study you will most often be confronted with the choice between an action research or case study approach. Here is a simplified exploration to get you started.

Methodology and methods – what are they?

When preparing a practice-based enquiry or research you will need to ask yourself how you will answer your research question or test your hypothesis. The methodology and methods section of a proposal or write-up lays out these ground rules and approaches...