tutorial: 5 Results found.

NADSN Position Paper

The National Association of Disabled Staff Networks (NADSN) has produced a COVID-19 post-lockdown position paper. In this paper, NADSN’s observations about the lived experiences of disabled people during COVID-19 are discussed alongside considerations...

How much reading is enough?

I am often asked how much reading is enough? In this post I outline what you should consider in order to decide when it is enough.

How to make writing more academic

In tutorials students often tell me that they are not confident regarding their writing skills and they ask me how to make writing more academic. Every University, every faculty and even departments will have their own philosophy relating to writing, so...

Etiquette at University

When joining a University it is imperative to acquaint yourself with the usual habits and rules. Generally, however, you should always be on time and be polite.