talk: 42 Results found.

Teaching international students

I have been asked about strategies for teaching international students. In principle, we should continue focussing on group work and sharing experiences and thus building collaborative, reflective practices. So the strategies I am presenting here for...

Reshaping higher education

This is my reshaping higher education contribution to the post-strike Big Meeting organised by Reclaim the University in June 2018.

Ableism in Academia

Call for contributions to the Ableism in Academia symposium and special edition publication.

Learning from the Korean context

This post shows the Korean educational context and how I have discovered that you can be half-way around the world, and yet nothing changes.

Presentation from the KSSEE conference

The KSSEE (Korean Society for the Study of Elementary Education) had invited me to Seoul, South Korea, to give a talk about ICT in the Primary Curriculum in the UK.