Types of plagiarism

Irrespective of the types of plagiarism, ultimately plagiarism is a punishable offence. Therefore, it is a good idea to get fully acquainted with the different types of plagiarism in order to be able to effectively avoid difficult situations. You are best advised to err on the side of caution and therefore credit too many authors and originators rather than not crediting others enough. Plagiarism is not a trivial offence, but theft and will be treated as such, irrespective of whether or not you plagiarise intentionally or unintentionally.


What is plagiarism? What are the consequences of plagiarism? What can you do to avoid plagiarising work? A brief introduction.

Proofing and editing

At University level you are expected to have checked, re-checked, edited and proofed your assignment several times. Each time you read through your work you should focus on a different aspect of your writing.

Referencing and bibliography

A good essay acknowledges all the sources used. Read here about referencing and bibliographies.

Etiquette at University

When joining a University it is imperative to acquaint yourself with the usual habits and rules. Generally, however, you should always be on time and be polite.