Book launch: Photovoice Reimagined

This post links to my contribution to the Lex Academic Blog, in which I write about how to keep a research journal.

Doing fieldwork in the virtual space

In this post I share my contribution to the SAGE research methods online resources about doing fieldwork remotely.
Image of concentric circles in different colours.

Creative output: This is just to say

This is an example of an ethnographic poem, the output of poetic inquiry and analysis within Embodied Inquiry from my research with academics.

Book review: The art of being a brilliant middle leader

This is a review of "The art of being a brilliant middle leader" by G. Toward, C. Henley and A. Cope. A fantastic read for any team leader.

Teaching with artefacts

Artefacts can be used to get students interested in a lesson, but artefacts can do more than just represent an engaging hook. In this post I am discussing the use of artefacts in lessons based on questions that I have been asked in teacher training sessions.

Referencing and bibliography

A good essay acknowledges all the sources used. Read here about referencing and bibliographies.

Action plan template

Download an action plan from here

Reflective model according to Rolfe et al.

This is a description of how Rolfe's model of reflection should be used in order to improve practice and learning.