reading: 31 Results found.

Classroom management

The classroom is a place where learning happens and should be encouraged, therefore classroom management relates to the strategies a teacher can use to organise students' learning. According to Garrett (2015) classroom management can be considered in five...

Professional development portfolios

Many teacher training sessions and professional development courses nowadays link to or culminate in the compilation of portfolios. Portfolios are evidences and resources that are gathered and annotated systematically to provide an overview of the...

Assessment as a learning opportunity

Many teacher training sessions focus on assessment but we do not spend enough time on discussing assessment in the sense of marking student work. We do not discuss the impact marking has on the students' learning and the teachers' workload, nor do we talk...

Time management

A cyclical process of reading, writing and editing is only possible if you leave enough time. Time management is therefore one of the key skills to learn when entering University life. The easiest way to introduce effective time management is by preparing...

How to make writing more academic

In tutorials students often tell me that they are not confident regarding their writing skills and they ask me how to make writing more academic. Every University, every faculty and even departments will have their own philosophy relating to writing, so...

Systematic reading to prepare a literature review

If you read a great range of articles you may find that you cannot remember who said what when and where. Therefore, a systematic approach to reading and taking notes is necessary. It may be helpful to apply the "CaMLISd" grid.

Proofing and editing

At University level you are expected to have checked, re-checked, edited and proofed your assignment several times. Each time you read through your work you should focus on a different aspect of your writing.

Writing an action plan

How to write an action plan in order to improve teaching practice. An action plan should include targets, next steps and success criteria for it to be meaningful.

Sarah Pink: Doing Sensory Ethnography

Pink's understanding of ethnography is broader than that of a study relating to the culture or society of humans. Really, ethnography in Pink's view is a phenomenological study of life world and in the book she offers ways of accessing this life world...

Etiquette at University

When joining a University it is imperative to acquaint yourself with the usual habits and rules. Generally, however, you should always be on time and be polite.

Challenges in bilingual families no one tells you about

Bringing up a child bilingually is a conscious decision, but there are issues and challenges that bilingual families encounter that are not mentioned in any of those handbooks or parent guides. Knowing about these might have had led to fewer...