resources: 54 Results found.

Learning from the Korean context

This post shows the Korean educational context and how I have discovered that you can be half-way around the world, and yet nothing changes.

Professional development portfolios

Many teacher training sessions and professional development courses nowadays link to or culminate in the compilation of portfolios. Portfolios are evidences and resources that are gathered and annotated systematically to provide an overview of the...

Challenging students

I believe in challenging students and having high expectations of everyone in the classroom. This is coupled with appropriate support and guidance. However, challenging pupils is not an easy task and must be planned for meticulously.

Teaching with artefacts

Artefacts can be used to get students interested in a lesson, but artefacts can do more than just represent an engaging hook. In this post I am discussing the use of artefacts in lessons based on questions that I have been asked in teacher training...

Lesson planning: The hook, a good starter

It may look simple to deliver the hook but in reality planning for the hook should not be underestimated, after all you need something very catching to get your students' attention so they become interested in your lesson.