QR:  Working in academia with a disability: What is it really like?

Working in academia with a disability: What is it really like?

Covers of two books edited by Nicole Brown: Lived Experiences of Ableism in Academia: Strategies for Inclusion in Higher Education (Policy Press) und Ableism in Academia: Theorising Experiences of Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses in Higher Education (UCL Press)

Source: N Brown

As part of my work around ableism I have explored what it is like to work in academia with a disability. The Diversity Network found out about my research focus and asked me for an interview to answer exactly that question: what is it really like to be working in academia with a disability?

The aim of the interview was to raise awareness of the experience of those with a disability, but also to drive home to businesses and organisations that every one of us has an obligation to make particular kinds of contributions if equality, diversity and inclusion are supposed to be meaningfully embedded concepts, rather than empty slogans. Access the full interview here.

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